To Nuala from Mary

Created by Mary 4 years ago

Nuala, Nuala

I was in the Green Room last Friday, remembering that it was the first place I met you when we were both setting out on the Re-Vision training.  Seeing the very wall, you leaned against as you introduced yourself and talked with such excitement about The Green Man.  I was fascinated and a little bit in awe.  However, we soon got over that.  Later in The Blue Room, we found that our intuitive sides could fly together - and fly we did.  All sorts of dreams and images and stories were exchanged, all through training and then afterwards on our twice a year slightly mad coffee meetups.  And the story of the red window, which no one else will understand. You said it was completed.  I think it was.  Thank you for your friendship and the wind which blew between us.  I believe there is a strong chance that it will continue. I dreamed of you last night.  Love to you and thanks for everything you gave - not least the picture you painted which hangs in my room. You are there all the time! Mairs
